This is a mirror of Den's KLATest version, since his site is down. There are minor changes, but the scoring, corpus, and layouts are the same.
Here is an analysis of the input files, that did not upset my analyzer too much. Similarity and FreqMatch are two different ways of measuring how similar the character frequency in the various text is, to the "standard" character frequency for English and code, as determined from my English corpus and code corpus.
You want Similarity to be High (max 1.000) and FreqMatch to be low. The TopFifteen metric only checks the 15 most used characters, you want this as close to the perfect 120 as possible. Input files analysis (.csv file, tab-separated, NO quote delimiters)
English character frequency:
Code character frequency:
If you try to edit the keycaps of one of the pre-loaded layouts, it reloads everything, and you have to start over. Then it works, but anything not saved is lost.